Wednesday, June 11, 2008


- Do you have a pet? What is it?
- Many people in the U.S have dogs or cats. Which is better?
- Do people in your country keep pets? Why or why not?
- Do you like pets? Do you want a pet?

Topic : Pets

Topic Sentence : There are some differences between dogs and cats.

I had two pets which are dog and cat. My parents bought me Shi Tzu for my 14th birthday present. It had been born two weeks. He followed me well even I call his name. The only one problem was the excrement. He excreted everywhere despite trainning that we tried him to do many times. However, the cat which we recieved from my brother's friend was very good at about that. She always did it the same place that we prepared. Some cats can't hear the sound. My cat, Turkish angora is that race so she couldn't hear any sound even her name that we call and she played alone and slept the top places against the dog. The cat just came to me when she had been feeling starving. These two different pets have merits and faults but both of them are very good pets that everyone loves.

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